Hace unos años me disfracé de Natalie Wood ahogada para Halloween. Nadie entendía mi disfraz y me congelé mas que nunca al salir en camisón mojado y trench a la calle.
Me sentí muy trendy y me creí mas cerca que nunca de Natalie Wood.
Desde pequeña ha sido siempre uno de mis grandes iconos. Su elegancia, frescura y buen humor eran sus armas clave a la hora de conquistar no solo al publico si no a los mejores galanes de Hollywood. La hipotética relación que podría haber mantenido con Christopher Walken o su noviazgo con Elvis Presley confirman su gusto en hombres apasionados, quizás un tanto turbulentos.
Estando su madre embarazada de Natalie, le leyó la mano una
anciana que estaba en la calle y sus palabras fueron determinantes para el tragico final de la actriz: "Su hija será una gran
estrella, pero deberá tener mucho cuidado con las aguas oscuras". Natalie no sabía
nadar, debido a que su madre le advirtió toda la vida sobre el respeto
que debería tenerle al agua. Conclusión: la madre de Natalie no estaba muy bien de la cabeza.
Con el auge de los 60's y el binomio blanco/negro, Wood es la perfecta representación atemporal de esa época dorada en clave psicodélica en Marc Jacobs, con silueta minimal en Jil Sander, futurista en las chicas de Alexander Wang y muy lady según Karl Lagerfeld para Chanel.
A few years ago I dressed up for Halloween as drowned Natalie Wood. No one understood my costume and I froze to dead for going out in wet nightgown and a trench to the street.
However I felt hipsterisingly trendy and closer than ever to Natalie Wood.
Since childhood she has always been one of my biggest icons. Its elegance, freshness and good humor were key weapons in conquering not only the public if not the best Hollywood heartthrobs. The hypothetical relationship she might have had with Christopher Walken or her relationship with Elvis Presley confirmed her taste in men passionate, perhaps a little bit turbulent.
Being pregnant her mother, a gipsy read her hand on the street and his words were crucial to the tragic end of the actress: "Your daughter is going to be a big star, but must be very careful with the dark waters." Natalie could not swim, because her mother warned her about having such respect to water that she was scared. Conclusion: Natalie's mother was not quite right in the head.
With the boom of the 60's and the binomial white / black, Wood is the perfect timeless representation of that golden age now representated in key psychedelic for Marc Jacobs, with silhouette minimal in Jil Sander, futuristic girls of Alexander Wang and a very lady Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel.
However I felt hipsterisingly trendy and closer than ever to Natalie Wood.
Since childhood she has always been one of my biggest icons. Its elegance, freshness and good humor were key weapons in conquering not only the public if not the best Hollywood heartthrobs. The hypothetical relationship she might have had with Christopher Walken or her relationship with Elvis Presley confirmed her taste in men passionate, perhaps a little bit turbulent.
Being pregnant her mother, a gipsy read her hand on the street and his words were crucial to the tragic end of the actress: "Your daughter is going to be a big star, but must be very careful with the dark waters." Natalie could not swim, because her mother warned her about having such respect to water that she was scared. Conclusion: Natalie's mother was not quite right in the head.
With the boom of the 60's and the binomial white / black, Wood is the perfect timeless representation of that golden age now representated in key psychedelic for Marc Jacobs, with silhouette minimal in Jil Sander, futuristic girls of Alexander Wang and a very lady Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel.
This summer, have the lifeguard next to you...
Siempre me ha encantado Natalie!!! :) Me gusta lo que has escrito... pero hija el disfraz, me hubiese costado hasta a mi que me sé la historia jajaja.
ReplyDeleteUn beso gigante Ana, ahora ya sí estamos en contacto!
Perfect! Me encantó verte!!